Sunday, June 27


I know I haven't had a proper mindset this few weeks. Things weren't going to what I planned. I always tell myself never plan things which are 6 months ahead, it just won't work. Now, I'm gonna cut it to three and hopefully it'll stay at three otherwise there will be nothing to look forward to at all. Which is kinda sad don't you think?

So on those random toilet breaks, I thought about it(random fact #1: my mind works best when I'm passing motion) and try to figure out the cause. After slicing and cutting(random fact #2: i like to let em go in bits and pieces), I found out the evil cause. It was Twitter.

Twitter's mad evil and people are using Twitter to distract themselves from the good stuff. If you think about the tweets you made, for example, "I am so fucking hungry". The only logical thing that a wise man would do is to find food when he's hungry but no! Ever since Twitter's born/created, we, man, decided to whip out our cool Blackberries/iPhones(I'm assuming Nokia and shits are dead) and tweet it instead of really doing what your mind asked you to do. Goddamn, why the jipplydeedeedoo we tweet instead of finding food?

We tweet the most random and funniest things ever. Twitter is becoming our secondary brains and by funny, I'm referring to rants. Rants are the funniest shit ever. Instead of asking or giving signals to irritating maaaafarkers to shut the fuck up, what do we do? We tweet. This is becoming a phenomenon and it's fucking addictive. Susej!

I wonder if I can switch back to my old radical mindset. I am not saying that I'll stop using Twitter. That will be absurd, my 169 followers will be mad sad. Maybe instead of ranting, I'll tweet funny stuffs and become a Twitter comedian. I enjoy seeing people laugh. Although some may be fake, it at least hides the sadness for awhile. So yeah...

Twitter is evil.

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