Monday, August 28

My Malay class

It's a class of fun and laughter. It's a class where work can be delayed as long as you like. It's a class who thought by the most lenient teacher in the whole wide world. My teacher, Mr Pungot Bin Buang(ask somebody who knows malay to translate for you). He maybe boring at times but also he's one lad who you can joke with all night long. For example, recently he went to Europe. Guess what he eat daily? Sandwich. FTW. Travel half way around earth just to eat sandwich.

Monday, Thursday and Fridays is always fun for me because there's mother toungue. I even got my weekly plan for my mt class.

Monday is epok-epok(curry puff) day, Thursday is for power nap and fridays, i would be quai.

Mr Pungot got me a new name.

Faizal. FTW so uncool.


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