Saturday, August 1


Today's event(yesterday for you anal fucks) was awesome. Fixpatrix did an awesome job organising it. The movie was madness, the turn out was superb and the atmosphere was radicalz. The fixed gear community gathered and made a loud roar. Freebies was superb too. Gareth got 4 tees + other goodies, Ben raffle prize was madness too, $100 tr voucher + more goodies. I got myself a tee. I love free tees. Tees are mad awesome. You can never go wrong with tees.

We rode after the event, dinner first and then to West Coast Park. I had the worst cramp ever while riding to WCP. I felt so goddamn gay. Cramp sucks. You can't do shit about it and the fuck thing just play around with you and it'll disappear after satisfying itself. And the worst thing, you totally cant control your facial expression, total homo. Pity the vagina-ians, cramps every month. Damn.

I got lots of photos to process. Check out my flickr and gilaphotos soon!


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