Thursday, July 2


Maybe - The Submarines

go interpret

Yesterday and today was great because of the company I had. Aaron came to sp yesterday. We had a really good and hella cheap lunch. We mingled and laughed at business school bimbos. Flying skirts everywhere! Then we head to town, mad chilling, had really good conversations with the boys. We were so random and wanted to watch Ice Age. We were queing and the trailer was running on the lcd displays. We looked at each other and jumped out of the queue real quick! I'm glad we did that. Imagine 4 dudes entering the theater, laughing real hard at the stupid sloth with our deep voices, it would be nightmares for the kids in the theater. So in the end we went for dinner at Carl's Jr and chilled the lovebirds at ArcActually. I went there again with Mickey bangbang again. Nice catching up with him after so long! We had dinner and head home. I had popiah. It's the best legal shit i could ever had. Popiah rulz i swear.


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